This function allows to import collections of mass spectra stored in individual text files into a list of MassSpectrum
importSpectra(where = getwd())
Path to the folder where the text files are stored (default: current working directory).
This functions works with dat, csv or txt file types containing two columns: the first one referring to common m/z values and the second one to intensities (using single-space separator between both and no column names). It reads all the .dat, .csv or .txt files in the given folder (so unrelated files should better not be there) and creates a list of MassSpectrum
objects. For importing data from more specialised file formats we refer the reader to the package MALDIquantForeign
A list of MassSpectrum
# Create fake mass spectrometry data
# \donttest{
s1 <- cbind(1:20, rlnorm(20))
s2 <- cbind(1:20, rlnorm(20))
s3 <- cbind(1:20, rlnorm(20))
# Save as csv files in temporary directory
path <- tempdir()
write.table(s1, file = file.path(path, "s1.csv"),
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep=" ")
write.table(s2, file = file.path(path, "s2.csv"),
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep=" ")
write.table(s3, file = file.path(path, "s3.csv"),
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep=" ")
# Import files and arrange into a list of MassSpectrum objects
spectra <- importSpectra(where = path)
# }